Until 2005, rape was classified in Haitian law as a "crime against public morals", a lesser crime than assault.
This document abolished the prohibition on foreign ownership of land - the most essential component of Haitian law.
Under Haitian law, Father Aristide cannot run again when his term expires in early 1996.
Haitian law also does not specifically prohibit trafficking in persons, which limits its ability to punish traffickers and protect victims.
According to Haitian electoral law, blank ballots are counted as part of the total number of votes.
The Haitian law that bodies must be prepared by a funeral parlor before burial was suspended within the first day of the earthquake.
Under Haitian law, he is entitled to a new trial now that he has returned to Haiti.
Haitian law (article 269) excuses a husband for murdering his wife if the wife is found in an adulterous affair.
Under Haitian law, I am supposed to see a judge in 48 hours.
The recruits, who will be unarmed "public safety trainees," received several days of training in ethics, Haitian criminal law and basic procedures.