In some cases - for instance, some Haitian art - the work takes on the characteristics of a self-conscious movement.
There exists naive Haitian art, the kind that tourists buy, along with a sophisticated sort distinguished by a strong color sense.
Monetary reform and a cultural renaissance ensued with a flowering of Haitian art.
What's so important about secondhand Haitian art that you've had to call me all day?
An upstairs study is dominated by Haitian art, sculpture and furniture.
Brilliant colors, naive perspective, and sly humor characterize Haitian art.
Inscribed on the yellow floor are linear decorations similar to those used in Haitian art.
In its use of found objects, the piece does not fit the traditional mold of Haitian art.
Voodoo is an inseparable part of Haitian art, literature, music and film.
Not all Haitian art is so stylized or so laden with symbolism.