April 17 - The Soviet Union claims that American airstrikes have damaged four of its merchant ships in Haiphong Harbor.
The latter book was based largely upon his subsequent court martial resulting from an attack on a Soviet ship in Haiphong Harbor (the "Turkestan incident").
We board the ship in Haiphong Harbor.
She ceased operations in Haiphong Harbor on 17 April 1973.
Then and there, sitting at a table in the Haiphong Harbor, Kramer vowed that he would be part of it.
Kramer looked up at the ceiling of the Haiphong Harbor.
He also called for intensive bombing of North Vietnam and mining of Haiphong Harbor.
Less than a year after publication, Haiphong Harbor was mined, and the war dragged on.
Close to running out of fuel and with 5526 on fire from the SAM hit, the pilots ejected just south of Haiphong Harbor.
O.K., I'm just bitter because he was partying in Houston while my "invitation" read Haiphong Harbor.