I'm writing this question from the Haida village of Kasaan, Alaska.
Take one of the free tours to get the most from your visit, and save time for the Haida village, an outdoor re-creation of a traditional settlement, complete with a longhouse.
On June 23 Douglas took the Iphigenia to "Tartanee", which Douglas described as a populous Haida village of "great wooden images".
He was born in 1954 at the Haida village of Masset on the Queen Charlotte Islands of British Columbia.
The island is home to the ancient Haida village of Skedans.
Kendrick landed on the shores of the Haida village, Ce-uda'o Inagai, again on June 13.
Hydaburg was formed in 1911 by consolidation of the three Haida villages on Cordova Bay.
Skaay was a blind, crippled storyteller of the Haida village of Ttanuu born c. 1827 at Qquuna.
Duane took me to a deserted Haida village, Kung, at the mouth of the harbor.
Historical Haida villages were: