The Haida Nation also includes portions of Alaska.
The families that made the Peace Treaty and married together still live in the Sḵwxwú7mesh and Haida Nations.
The main governing body of the Haida people is the Council of the Haida Nation.
Haida Nation secures park management contract.
The Haida Nation also claimed an Aboriginal right to harvest red cedar in that area.
These actions were performed unilaterally, without consent from or consultation with the Haida Nation.
The Haida Nation brought a suit, requesting that the replacement and transfer be set aside.
The chambers judge found that the Crown was under a moral - but not legal - duty to negotiate with the Haida Nation.
This seamount has long been recognized by the Haida Nation as a special place.
Links and diversity within the Haida Nation was gained through a cross lineal marriage system between the clans.