Later, W3C popularized the name by using it in the named color palette of HTML 3.2 specifications.
The broader HTML 5 specification draft has a lot to offer for Web developers.
It was originally part of the HTML 5 specification, but is now in a separate specification.
For a full list of standard commands, you can refer to the relevant section of the HTML 5 specification.
The HTML 5 specification does not really deal with the issues that are likely sticking points with this kind of effort.
The HTML 3 specification declares that any attribute value (e.g. in ) cannot have more than 1024 characters.
However, the HTML 4 specification omits this restriction.
The working draft of the HTML 5 specification (not for the faint of heart!)
In conjunction, the HTML specification has slowly reined in the presentational elements.
The new features for web application development are probably the most significant and impressive parts of the HTML 5 specification.