In one study, 73% of HIV-positive trans women were unaware of their status.
Mentor Mothers become role models in their communities, putting a face to empowered, strong, and healthy HIV-positive women.
Over 850,000 anti-retroviral treatments provided to HIV-positive pregnant women.
This campaign sought to put a face to the issue through public service announcements, and by inviting HIV-positive women to share their stories.
It is not known what most HIV-positive women decide.
It is loosely based on the real life story of Ana Wallace, an HIV-positive woman.
Social workers, he confided, don't like dealing with HIV-positive women.
It is the fact that he has stolen hope from a number of incredibly vulnerable HIV-positive women who turned to him for help.
As such, not breastfeeding, for HIV-positive women, is perceived as failing to be a good mother.
This is due to the fact that HIV-positive women are seen as "dirty."