Early treatment of HIV-infected people with antiretrovirals protected 96% of partners from infection.
These rules can include vaccinations that may not be safe for HIV-infected people to take.
But there has been a lot of insensitivity in the medical world towards HIV-infected people.
If so, another difficult problem would arise: identifying HIV-infected people so early in the course of infection.
Introduction More than 35 million HIV-infected people live in developing countries with significant resource limitations.
The official number of registered HIV-infected people - 703,781 (22 November 2012)
It can be especially helpful for treating HIV-infected people who have scabies.
Some experts recommend lumbar puncture in all HIV-infected people with syphilis.
The guidelines, he said, "put the emphasis where it should be, which is, what kinds of procedures are HIV-infected people using in taking care of patients?"
The WHO also reports that there has been a 50% increase in HIV-infected people since 2004.