No more HBO cameras or nationally televised outdoor games for the New York Rangers.
Lundqvist has carried the Rangers to first place in the league, despite the presence of HBO cameras and all the pressure and attention surrounding the Winter Classic.
But he said he was relieved that the intrusive HBO cameras were gone, the ones that had followed his every move, 12 to 13 hours a day, during his filmmaking debut.
Before the fourteenth round, a cornerman held up a plastic water bottle, but HBO cameras caught Lewis yelling, "Not that bottle, the one I mixed."
- The HBO cameras are gone.
New York Rangers: Think the Rangers and Flyers were playing up to the HBO cameras a bit in their game on Saturday?
There are no more HBO cameras to make us laugh at his antics.
The oldest heavyweight champion, boxing's Father Time, had stayed in the ring preaching to the HBO cameras like the evangelical minister he is.
Since the HBO cameras turned on the Flyers and Rangers for the 24/7 series, Bryz has sort of become two things: A star character and a total nuisance.
All that mugging for the HBO 24/7 cameras has been an act," Stevenson wrote, then quoted Bryzgalov in full: "