The two HARM missiles seemed to hang in the air.
The one-thousand-pound HARM missile was a yellow streak as it roared away into the darkness.
One of the first things any enemy does when an inbound strike is detected is shut down all electromagnetic radiation to avoid the HARM missiles.
They were equipped with HARM missiles and a variety of jamming gear.
That tactic had worked well on older HARM missiles, which had to hold the radiating source all the way into impact point.
A total of 236 HARM missiles were fired by JaBoG 32 during he campaign.
The order backlog rose by 32 percent during the quarter, to $1.87 billion, with much of the increase coming from orders for HARM missiles.
The Prowler crews, however, with HARM missiles ready on the rails, were feeling a bit disappointed.
But that left them vulnerable to two HARM missiles fired from McLanahan's B-2.
He opened the left bomb bay and readied two more HARM missiles of his own to engage the patrol boats.