The H-shaped building of the old men's prison opposite Our Saviour's Church still exist.
In 1842, the H-shaped main building was constructed, and the hospital was opened to Indians.
The Heights are divided into two H-shaped buildings.
Both H-shaped buildings consist of four connected halls.
The H-shaped main building has two interior courtyards which held a water cistern, garden and play area.
Built in 1925, it is a two-story, H-shaped building with a red brick facade and Neoclassical detailing.
It is an H-shaped two-story building with a steeply-pitched cross-gabled slate roof.
It appears to have had a large H-shaped main building with a number of other smaller ancillary buildings.
The original plan was to use the existing H-shaped building, but that was deemed too costly.
Memorial Hall is a symmetrical H-shaped building with one and a half stories and a full basement.