The facility had been used as a gunnery range by the French since the 1920s.
For much of the 20th century, it was used as a naval gunnery range.
The aircraft was a joy to work on the gunnery range.
Previously used at the gunnery range as a live training aid, the gun was last fired in 2005.
However, the faster British battleships were able to move out of effective gunnery range quickly.
The boredom factor began to get us in a big way until we started formation flying and the gunnery range.
After the war, Wendover was used for training exercises, gunnery range and as a research facility.
I'll be in gunnery range in ten minutes or less.
After one training flight at the gunnery range, Bader achieved only a 38 percent hit rate on a target.
The air danced in front of Starling like heat shimmer on the gunnery range.