Most of the material so far has been keyed directly on to a computer housed at Guildhall Library.
The print room of the Guildhall Library contains about 25,000 prints and drawings as well as over 1,000 maps.
The parish records are held at the Guildhall Library.
Most of the Curriers' Company archives are kept at the Guildhall Library for public view.
Parish records at the Guildhall Library show there were 112 members in April 1933, mostly residents of places outside the parish boundaries.
Its archives are held by the Guildhall Library in London.
Overall also wrote catalogues of various collections in the Guildhall Library, papers on antiquarian subjects, and:
He was also Deputy Librarian of the Guildhall Library.
Being a great advocate of advertising, he reckoned that something quite unusual might be the answer and went to the Guildhall Library to get ideas.
The parish registers date from 1558, and are now deposited in the Guildhall Library.