Guild records show that women were particularly active in the textile industries in Flanders and Northern France.
In England, hints of female participation appear in the Regius Manuscript (ca 1390-1425), and in the Guild records at York Minster in 1408.
Her superior did duty, cancelling what remained of her contract, which was required, as a matter of ship's safety, and would show in her permanent Guild record.
- NORMA CENVA, The Calculus of Philosophy, ancient Guild records, private Rossak collection HUMAN HABITATION OF THE PLANET JUNCTION dated back before the founding of the Spacing Guild by the legendary patriot and commercial magnate Aurelius Venport.
His father, Hans Weiditz the Elder, Hans Weiditz dem Älteren, Hans Weiditz I (c1475 Straßburg - c1516 Straßburg), worked in Freiburg between 1497 and 1514, and was described as a 'bildhower' or sculptor in the Painters' Guild records.
'That's stupid, I'm in the Guild records.'
Guild records for the late Middle Ages repeatedly describe wives as business partners and specifically allow for them to inherit and take over their deceased husband's craft or trade.
"It's in the Guild records, the sealed ones, but you can figure it out from the histories."
Guild records show what they cut, if not where they cut.