Allmusic Guide writes that "the chorus is perhaps the catchiest and prettiest hook in all of Southern rock".
Amman's bookstores also sell the much cheaper and older "Guide to Jordan," written by Franciscan fathers and first published in 1954.
In 1889, the Real Estate Record and Guide wrote glowingly that the area would be "vastly improved" in the next decade with piers, big roads and commercial buildings.
"Critiques and book reviews", A Pocket Guide to Writing in History, Sixth Edition, pp26-28.
"Travel Writing: A Guide to Research, Writing and Selling", is used by educators in undergraduate and graduate level programs.
The Xenophobe's Guide to the Hungarians, written in English with Matyas Sarkozy.
Also wrote The Householder's Guide to Community Defence Against Bureaucratic Aggression (1972).
Personal Fiction Writing: A Guide to Writing from Real Life for Teachers, Students, and Writers (2000 & 1984)
Heh - for some reason your response made me think of this: The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy wrote:
"He's an intellectual Beatle," wrote one fan in a letter published in TV Guide.