He quickly took several steps interpreted as signs that he was not planning to push for radical changes in Guatemalan society.
The shootings unnerved the most powerful members of Guatemalan society.
The mere prospect of peace is already producing profound changes in Guatemalan society, the most far-reaching of which has been the re-emergence of the country's Mayan majority.
In a statement tonight, the army harshly criticized Miss Menchu, saying she was "isolating herself" from Guatemalan society "with her same old polarizing speech."
His death led to the repudiation of Guatemalan society, who lost one of its best leaders.
Thus, the counterinsurgency program had succeeded in militarizing Guatemalan society and creating an atmosphere of terror where public agitation and insurgency were virtually impossible.
But it was the widespread hostility of Guatemalan civil society that assured his early downfall.
The traumas Guatemalan society endured during that time almost defy imagination.
Arévalo, the revolution's intellectual pillar, positioned his theoretical doctrine as integral to the construction of a progressive and peaceful Guatemalan society.
Secondly, certain elements of Guatemalan society systematically killed the upper rank of the Maya priests.