In recent years, increasing numbers of Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Guatemalan immigrants have moved into the neighborhood.
Ms. Garry, the Green Forest teacher, said about 20 percent of the students at her school were Mexican and Guatemalan immigrants.
February 8 - The Mexican Army rescues 44 Guatemalan immigrants in Reynosa in northern Mexico.
He is the son of Guatemalan immigrants.
It was redrafted as a class-action case on behalf of all El Salvadoran and Guatemalan immigrants.
After the death of Walter, the son of Guatemalan immigrants, a candlelight vigil seemed to unify a town where the Hispanic population started growing in the 1980s.
To be sure, the arrest of a Honduran day laborer in the murder and sexual abuse of a 10-year-old son of Guatemalan immigrants two years ago has contributed to the community's wary attitude.
Mr. Azurdia and his compatriots, about 60 to 75 Guatemalan immigrants, are getting construction jobs again.
Investigators are trying to determine the identities of the men, believed to be Guatemalan immigrants.
Most of the Hispanic population consists of Mexican and Guatemalan immigrants.