Greg Palast reports in a special investigation by Guardian Films and BBC Newsnight.
Guardian Films Domestically, their investigations have helped to expose the racist underworld of English Defence League, police brutality and female genital mutilation in Britain.
Journalists from across the Guardian and Observer, including Guardian Films, advised inmates on story construction, writing styles and editing processes.
To be placed on the waiting list please email with the subject line Guardian Films.
Guardian Film has dropped the ball with its tediously anglocentrist perspective from Venice.
In March, the Guardian invited readers to take part in a debate about global poverty with representatives from Christian Aid and Guardian Films.
There is a series of investigative documentaries about poverty - commissioned and editorially controlled by Guardian Films - to watch.
Gertrude and Nancy are the subjects of Abandon the Knife, a film produced by the team at Guardian Films.
On Thursday, we screened Abandon the Knife, a documentary about female circumcision, produced by Guardian Films in association with Christian Aid.
Guardian Films.