"Grovers Corners" [Bonus Track] (Cahn, Van Heusen)
And once more he seems too boxed into the role of Spalding Gray, too much of an edgy, contemporary urban ironist, to pass for an inhabitant of Grovers Corners.
Grovers Corners (1987)
Grovers Corners it ain't.
His fictional town of Grovers Corners appears to have been named for Peterborough's Grove Street.
Anyone overhearing our conversation might have thought the subject was Grovers Corners, N.H. All this is reflected in Ms. Goodwin's book.
She has also appeared in workshop productions of Six Wives, Fahrenheit 451, Grovers Corners, and Jekyll & Hyde.
Later, an illness precipitated her withdrawal from "Grovers Corners," Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt's musical version of "Our Town," in which she was scheduled to play the Stage Manager.
Grovers Corners has been compared to both the lonely wastelands of Samuel Beckett and the picket-fence-bordered backyards of the Andy Hardy movies.
Where has Grovers Corners gone?