They lack the primal, brutal terror of the Grimm stories, and it was the expression given to that terror that was at the heart of their emotional usefulness for Bettelheim.
Rumpelstiltskin is a twenty-four minute animated feature depicting the famous Brothers Grimm story of a miller's daughter and a little man who can spin straw into gold.
In the Grimm story, the handless maiden was the victim of incest.
"Into the Woods," Stephen Sondheim's "adult fairy tale musical," drawn from Grimm stories and other favorites.
The gruesome Grimm story actually warms the hearts of a lot of youngsters: the witch's effort to cook sweet Hansel and Gretel sours, everyone knows, because the children turn out to be as shrewd and industrious as the witch.
There's a Brothers Grimm story called "The Boy Who Went Out to Learn Fear."
On the classroom wall was a coloured print illustrating a Brothers Grimm story.
She and Mr. Wood took some liberties with the Grimm story, "fleshing out" several characters to deepen the drama and extend what the composer called the fairy-tale "recipe" - an ordinary situation with an abnormal disturbance, some tragedy and a happy ending.
His interpretation owed more to the Walt Disney film than to the Grimm story.
And the entire production had an aura of strange, sinister enchantment, like a latter-day Brothers Grimm story.