Her poems have appeared in Best New Poets 2007, Washington Square, The Greensboro Review, Barrow Street, and Tuesday; An Art Project.
He has been published extensively in the literary journal circuit, with stories appearing in The Greensboro Review, Chelsea, Quarterly West, and The Beloit Fiction Journal.
Her work has appeared in Colorado Review, Laurel Review and Greensboro Review.
The Greensboro Review awards an Amon Liner poetry prize.
Leiby's short stories were published in several U.S. literary journals, including Fiction, Indiana Review, The Greensboro Review, and New Orleans Review.
The Greensboro Review is a literary magazine, based at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in Greensboro, North Carolina.
In 1966, Watson and graduate writing student Lawrence Judson Reynolds began the Greensboro Review, a respected literary journal that has since earned a national reputation.
He taught at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro for many years, where he was also one of the founding editors of the Greensboro Review.
Her poetry and fiction has appeared in Greensboro Review, Prairie Schooner, Columbia Poetry Review, and a number of other publications.
His poems have appeared in Greensboro Review, Meridian, and Cimarron Review.