The area is now known as Greens Farms, a section of Westport, Connecticut.
Greens Farms is named for John Green.
He was 63 years old and lived in Greens Farms, Conn.
No other entity spells "Greens Farms" with an apostrophe.
Over the years, many artists have come to consider the Greens Farms school a permanent location.
Sherwood Island State Park is at the western edge of Greens Farms.
Greens Farms is rarely spelled in its original form, Green's Farms.
A former resident of Greens Farms, Conn., he was 84.
He was 85 years old and lived in Greens Farm, Conn.
The town has issued 3,000 permits for 1,800 spaces at its main station and a smaller one, Greens Farms.