At Eton he learnt the whole of Homer by heart, and wrote Greek verse with facility.
"I used to compose Greek verses off the top of my head."
This makes for great clarity, but for many listeners it may obscure the knotted imagery and tortured struggle with ideas that mark the Greek verse.
Philo interprets the Greek verse 12 as an allegory for Cain's fear of being soulless.
This forms an exception to the principle, otherwise observed in Greek verse, that two successive unmarked elements are not permitted.
Yet he had to spend hours of his time learning Greek iambic verse as a punishment for being rude to a master in a political debate.
He is deeply interested in ancient Greek verse and its fragmentary character.
A Greek verse says that even the gods cannot change the past.
A tribrach is a metrical foot used in formal poetry and Greek and Latin verse.
The composition of Latin and Greek verse was set as the acme of educational achievement.