They do hold a formal pledge period just as the other Greek groups do but are not subject to the same college policies.
Papazoglou began performing in a number of Greek local groups in the 1960s.
Greek groups sponsor fund-raising activities, food drives, and benefits to support charities.
Greek groups collectively completed a total of 1,385 hours of service during the 2006-2007 school year.
These groups also participate in Homecoming events with the Greek groups.
The day before another Greek group had killed 8-9 people.
Icarians have a large population of atheists and communists, much more than any other Greek ethnic group.
He said bad police work, not extensive news coverage, is responsible for the fact that not a single Greek terrorist group has been uncovered.
This is an article about a Greek revolutionary group.
In March 1905, he joined the first well-organized Greek military group.