Meanwhile, Grandma now lives in a Florida development called "Crestfallen."
When Grandma was living with me I never knew where she was.
Grandma lives in her son-in-law's house and he's in charge of her money, which he has mostly spent.
It creates a different type of community feeling, having all the ages living together, having Grandma living nearby.
His first book, My Grandma lived in Gooligulch, was accepted by the first publisher he sent it to.
My mother would be horrified, but Grandma lived to be 88.
Grandpa and Grandma live there.
Grandma had lived on and off with the Darcys for years.
There is a row of small houses on each side of the lane and Grandma lives in one of the small houses.
Grandma, just shy of 70, lived in a hot new San Francisco neighborhood, among the dot-commers.