It is one of new categories for the annual Grammy Awards ceremony to start from 2012.
Its success will very likely be capped off at the Grammy Awards ceremony next Sunday.
The two had never met in person before the 55th Grammy Awards ceremony.
Each year is linked to an article about the Grammy Awards ceremony of that year.
But at the 40th annual Grammy Awards ceremony, the Dylan name was a guaranteed winner.
Appearances that were already booked, including one for the Grammy Awards ceremony, were canceled.
This award is a new category in the annual Grammy Awards ceremony from 2012.
We have to admit that, compared to recent years, the 51st edition of the Grammy Awards ceremonies did carry a bit of suspense.
Expect to see a lot of Babyface at the Grammy Awards ceremony next month.
Under Greene's leadership, the Grammy Awards ceremony grew from being syndicated in 14 countries to over 180.