But for all his bluster, the Governor has shown little inclination to push for big policy changes.
But the Governor shows more strength and skill every day.
Legislative leaders oppose the idea, and the Governor shows no enthusiasm.
The Governor has already shown that he is sympathetic to developers upstate.
The Governor has shown an interest in our recent - ah, excursion - and wishes to hear the details from you.
"Every time the Governor shows his disdain for labor, he goes out and tries to get press coverage for how he's labor's best friend."
The Governor has also shown a talent for casting issues to his advantage.
By letting private business groups pay for this outing, the Governor has yet again shown himself tone-deaf to questions of conflict of interest.
"The Governor should show extreme flexibility in stretching out his tax cuts to five or six years."
Governors of the southern provinces showed some skepticism over his suggestion, but investigated the connection.