The Governor reached for the phone.
But the Governor clearly did not reach his other main objective, to keep the rise in spending within the rate of inflation, now under 2 percent.
But the Governor and an independent counsel who had issued the complaint reached a tentative agreement today on the ethics issue.
Legislative leaders and the Governor have reached agreement on this second bill, but neither house has voted on it.
He later said he would abide by any agreement that the Governor and the Mayor reached, though he favored using the money for education.
The Governors did not reach 30 points in the one-sided game until the 12:14 mark of the second half.
If the Assembly and the Governor can reach agreement on a smoking bill, there is a chance the Senate will pass it, too.
But the Mayor and the Governor could not reach agreement to proceed.
Last week, the Governor and the legislators reached an agreement to begin construction, but left the sites undetermined.
The Governor reached behind him, moved out a globe of Mars.