Normally, the Governor presents an overview, then leaves, allowing the experts to explain the details to the press.
The Governor of Virginia presented the replica statue as a gift to the British people.
"The way the Governor presented it, it was presented as a budget bill," he said.
When the Governor presented his 1995 budget in January, he put up no money for a takeover.
So the budget the Governor presents to the Legislature is likely to be a spare one.
Last year, the Legislature adopted a budget very different from the one the Governor presented.
But when the Governor presented his budget proposal to the Legislature earlier this month, he revised this estimate to $670 million.
The Governor presents the proposed budget to both the House and the Senate for consideration.
The Governor presented his programs in an 59-minute address that was notable for the lack of new spending initiatives.
Every year, the Governor must present a proposed budget to the Maryland General Assembly.