What that will mean, in part, the Governor added, is a reduced state role in solving local problems.
"Of course you have my permission," the Governor quickly added.
To that view, which is widely held in political circles, the Governor added an extra twist.
In his proposed fiscal 1989 state budget, the Governor added $1.3 billion in new spending programs.
But, the Governor added, "I don't think he had the same interest in operations."
"You don't have to be all broke out with brilliance to know what to do," the Governor added.
"We are hopeful that your agony and struggle will come to a quicker end," the Governor added.
"But furthermore, this helps race relations in the state at a crucial time," the Governor added.
But the Governor added that he would not oppose a short delay in construction, "certainly less than six months," if a savings could be demonstrated.
"There are various state laws one could violate with a public hoax, if that's what it was," the Governor added.