Governor Whitman, concerned with the company's threat to pull 3,500 or more jobs from the state, gave the project political and financial support.
Governor Whitman is expected to sign the budget legislation this week.
Governor Whitman thought enough of his abilities to keep him on in 1994.
Governor Whitman said today that the state would probably need to spend an additional $250 million next year to meet the order.
Governor Whitman has not yet said whether she would also make such a pledge.
Governor Whitman also wants to use the lower tax as a lure to new industry and business.
Governor Whitman wants motorists to be able to drive now and pay later.
Governor Whitman, as is her custom, has not taken a position on the bill.
Governor Whitman does not want to add political campaigns to the list.
Governor Whitman took up the cause of open space in her second inaugural address almost two years ago.