The goal of the Government-financed program is to reach at least 35,000 girls in the next five years.
About 5,000 to 6,000 still receive regular medical care under government-financed programs.
An endowment for the government-financed program is held in trust at the Treasury.
He added that the steel workers already get retirement and health benefits from other government-financed programs, as do most workers.
Medicaid is a Government-financed program that provides health-care insurance for the state's poorest residents.
He says that to reduce crime we must either tolerate the use of excessive force by the police or expand government-financed programs to prevent crime.
Mr. Pason proposed a government-financed medical program for everyone.
While many members praise the Clinton proposal, others favor a Government-financed program of national health insurance, known as a "single payer" plan.
He contrasted it with the government-financed Salvation Army program where he used to work.
The economies achieved by privatization versus the security afforded by government-financed programs has become a partisan issue.