By the year 2030, Government statisticians forecast, more than one-third of the population will be over 60.
This has become a typical sequence of events for government statisticians.
I do not think it is government statisticians who are misleading the public about the current level of inflation.
Government statisticians estimate that 96 per cent of the growth in the labour force between now and 2001 will be among women.
The deficit is lower because government statisticians now assume that American women will have two children, on average, versus an earlier estimate of 1.95.
And reported inflation has already been markedly reduced through recent changes introduced by government statisticians themselves.
But in recent years, income has been running well ahead of product, suggesting a higher productivity growth rate than Government statisticians accept as accurate.
America's families seem to be stabilizing, with divorce rates at their lowest level in more than a decade, Government statisticians report.
This means the government statisticians take the actual growth rate in the quarter and (roughly speaking) multiply it by four.
Government statisticians reject this shift, arguing that the product calculation is more accurate.