These three women understand better than most that government cannot prevent every act of child abuse.
The government will not prevent companies from building their own networks, however.
Only a strong central government can prevent this, one that is prepared to meet violence on its own terms.
The Government estimates that the new system will save up to 50 lives and prevent 3,000 injuries per year.
And how would the government prevent card holders from buying things for other people?
The exception would be the case where the government or other non-market forces prevent price changes.
In a capitalist system, the government does not prohibit private property or prevent individuals from working where they please.
The government saved $1.95 billion, and prevented public employee layoffs.
However, the government did not prevent slaughtering of the herds.
The Canadian government prevented these men from bringing their wives and children until 1919, another reason why many of them chose to leave.