CAR giant Ford is to increase its prices - wrecking Government hopes of boosting the industry.
Reducing pension inequities is the key element in a package the Government hopes will restore the confidence of international investors.
Inflation, the Russian Government hopes, will hover at 30 percent in 1999.
The Government hopes, and economists generally agree, that 2.3 percent should represent the inflationary peak, as businesses responded directly to the devaluation by giving their prices one big boost.
The debate had stymied the passage of six bills that the Government hopes will stabilize the financial system.
Nonetheless, Mr. Tang gave an upbeat assessment of the coming visit, which the Chinese Government hopes will improve China's image in America and foster closer economic and political ties.
Tuesday will also be an important day because banks and foreign exchange counters will reopen and handle what the Government hopes will be Eastern Europe's first convertible currency.
Will this number grow into the millions as the Government hopes?
Japan's leading politicians are thrashing out the details of what the Government hopes will emerge as a landmark blueprint to clean up the nation's bad debts.
Technological items and gold, which the Government hopes will leave the country with the owner, should be declared.