The government devalued last year but has remained under pressure for its failure to cut the budget deficit.
On April 13th the government devalued the peseta, by 8%, for the third time in eight months.
This week, the government finally devalued the Zimbabwe dollar, a move that was quickly applauded.
Earlier this year, for example, the Government devalued its currency, the yuan, by 33 percent overnight.
The benefit is that governments can't devalue it at will...
This contributed to the already heavy pressure on the peso, and the Government devalued the currency the next day.
Or continue to read about celebrities shoes when the government devalues the dollar bill...
To try and cope with the issue, Rabin's government had devalued the lira by around 50% during its term in office.
Mikulić's government devalued the dinar by 25% on 17 November 1987.
Facing a tough re-election fight, the Government devalued the currency and slashed interest rates.