The difference between the speech and excerpt was noticed by strategists for former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont.
For that reason, he said, Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont could be the sleeper.
That had the right sound to Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont, a Democrat and a doctor.
Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont, a Democrat, said: "The people who will be outraged by this are patients and their families.
Mr. Williams asked former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont, who has conducted a surging campaign.
One Democrat, former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont, broke from the pack.
The Democratic group running attack advertisements against former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont said its campaign would end, at least for now, this week.
Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont was named by 4 percent of the respondents.
"There's a good reason people have a negative impression of the president's prescription drug bill," said former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont.
"We'll have to lay off employees this year," said Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont.