Ukraine was the supposed residence of ancient Germanic Gothic tribes.
It was within the Chernyakhov culture that the Gothic tribes assumed their mature form.
However devastating the defeat, the battle did not entirely break the military strength of the Gothic tribes.
The Gothic tribes did not have long-term standing armies but relied on short-term levies and/or volunteers.
The 3rd and 4th-Century Gothic tribes could not match the population or extent of the Roman Empire.
From 335 to 336, Constantine, continuing his Danube campaign, defeated many Gothic tribes.
For the most part, all of the terms discriminating between different Gothic tribes gradually disappeared after they moved into the Roman Empire.
Some Gothic and Norse tribes made the hunting of bears with nothing but a knife a rite of passage for young men.
And according to rumour, exposing the Visigoths in battle was a convenient way of weakening the Gothic tribes.