It was built to accommodate 120 children with classroom, outer porch, and a caretaker's house attached, the design being early domestic Gothic.
The Römer 2-4-6 is a Gothic timbered house constructed in 1289.
The Gothic long house was remodelled into a church nave from 1472 onwards.
In the same neighborhood are Gothic houses of the 14th and 15th centuries.
The former town reeve's house, built in 1568, is a late Gothic patrician house.
Chiddinglye, which may have been a separate manor at one time, is a Gothic house of 1866.
The Gothic house was constructed in 1801-1803, and is a category B listed building.
It is the first example in Scotland of an asymmetrical Gothic house.
The palace was designed by joining three Gothic houses in the Main Square.
He submitted four schemes for a symmetrical Gothic house, but these were not accepted.