"All Souls" exposed as fiction the portrait of Southie as a working-class paradise where God-fearing folks looked out for one another.
Once he gets going, this guy can convince a jury of God-fearing folk that you're the Antichrist, or at least Satan's second lieutenant.
Everyone says they were decent, honest, God-fearing folk.
They were God-fearing folk and attended Sunday services regularly, he a very quiet man, and she a rather stout and well-built lady.
If the presidential campaign in the US isn't spiced up with the matter of race there's always religion to get the God-fearing folk in a pickle.
North: Ted, I came to this great nation's capital - to speak for some folks outside the Beltway, a group of God-fearing folks called "America."
Humble, God-fearing folk clutch their rosaries and crucifixes and fight the powers of one graven image with those of another.
Among them were the many good, God-fearing folk who made their living with secret moonshine stills and who never let prison interfere with their vocation.
Do they maybe think he'll corrupt all the God-fearing folk on the mountain before dawn if they dinna keep him in ward?
The God-fearing folk would sell their cows to be eaten, but not for raising zombies.