It flows southwestward through the Gila Mountains in Yuma County, and finally it empties into the Colorado at Yuma, Arizona.
The opposite side of the valley is the same ridgeline block faulting, but on the northeast corner of the Gila Mountains.
Yuma, and the Fortuna Foothills are west and beyond the Gila Mountains.
Gila Mountains is the name of two mountain ranges along the Gila River in Arizona:
Gila refers to either the Gila River or the Gila Mountains.
Notable mountains in Yuma County include the Gila Mountains and the Tule Mountains.
A thin streak of red was starting to appear behind the flat range of the Gila Mountains to the east.
Gila Mountains (Graham County)
The Gila Mountains (Graham County) is a mountain range in central-east Arizona.
During the month that followed the tribe travelled to a small salt lake that lies in the Gila Mountains, and there replenished its supply of salt.