The Giants ranked 11th in total penalties, including those declined or offsetting.
Last season, the Giants ranked 23rd in the 31-team league defending punt returns and 17th on kickoffs.
The team's biggest need is in the secondary; the Giants ranked 27th in the league in passing yards allowed.
The 1998 Giants ranked second to last offensively in the National Football League.
Last year, the Giants ranked first in the league in on-base percentage and second in runs scored.
Young would not say how the Giants ranked the tackles, saying it would be unfair to Moore.
A year ago, when the Giants ranked 13th in the league in offense, they averaged 336 total yards.
The league would not say where the Jets and Giants ranked.
The Giants gave up more sacks than they have in four years and ranked 24th in rushing.
According to one person, the Giants ranked him the fourth-best prospect in the entire draft.