In the ninth inning, the Giants clung to their two-run lead behind closer Robb Nen.
On a gloomy afternoon the sun tried to break through the gray cloud cover as the third quarter neared an end with the Giants clinging to their 13-10 lead.
The Giants have six games remaining against San Diego and are clinging to the thought of rubber chickens in October.
With 11:39 left in the third quarter, with the Giants clinging to a 10-9 lead, the Yankees were 12 outs away from the World Series.
This one came with 5 minutes 35 seconds left and the Giants clinging to a 20-17 lead.
But after their 21-19 victory over Washington Sunday improved their record to 5-7, it's a shot that some Giants are clinging to.
Lately, the Giants in the ivory tower have clung to control, have subsequently lost the force behind their foundation.
The Giants will cling to all the false hope they can muster.
Not much for the Giants to cling to, but a shred.
At worst, they seem close to a sure bet to hold on to one of the N.F.C.'s two wild-card spots, with the Giants clinging to the last wild card.