Ken Kanda is a Ghanaian diplomat.
Amin Amidu Sulemana is a Ghanaian diplomat and politician.
Her childhood was marked by many countries where her father, a Ghanaian diplomat, was sent.
I was standing with a group of young Ghanaian diplomats when the Governor caught my eye and came over to our group.
His father was a Ghanaian diplomat.
In 1981, the teen-age son of a Ghanaian diplomat in New York City was held by the police on rape charges and then expelled.
Cecilia Gyan Amoah (born 26 October 1947) is a Ghanaian diplomat and politician.
Issuable to Ghanaian diplomats accredited overseas and their eligible dependents.
Many Ghanaian diplomats and politicians hold positions in international organisations.
Mr. Dadzie, a Ghanaian diplomat, said that writing off 30 percent of the debt would not pose a threat to the financial system.