The United States, with its dominant Germanic English language, attracted primarily immigrants from Northern Europe, where Germanic tongues were spoken or familiar.
And their language, Ladino, the 15th-century Spanish that was a central piece of luggage carried into exile, was unintelligible to those reared in Germanic tongues of the north.
They discovered manuscripts in the now-extinct language, which scholars called Tocharian and later were astonished to learn bore striking similarities to Celtic and Germanic tongues.
As the Suebi quickly adopted the local language, few traces were left of their Germanic tongue, but for some words and for their personal and land names, adopted by most of the Galicians.
Among the fair heads of the Saxons and Frisians were a goodly scatterig of black and brown, snatches of rude Latin mixed with the gutturals of the Germanic tongues.
As the Suebi quickly adopted the local Vulgar Latin language, few traces were left of their Germanic tongue in the Galician and Portuguese languages.
But later Latin superseded the Germanic tongues in most cases - except in England - and the Christian element steadily grew in importance.
(21) The best example of the advance of French at the expense of the Germanic tongues is to be seen in England.
He answered in some Germanic tongue, and Reynaud remembered that he had gotten aboard in Amsterdam.
Their language was kin to a Germanic tongue which Hanno had gotten a little of on an earlier wandering; he could soon make himself understood.