Forster wrote well-polished German prose, which was not only scientifically accurate and objective, but also exciting and easy to read.
Hoffmann is one of the great writers of German prose.
For example, 19th-century German academic prose, and John Milton's "Paradise Lost" poetry in English are notably syntactic.
The work is of great significance not only as a legal code but also as the first major work of German prose.
A translation of the Latin letter into German prose was undertaken in 1497.
He also became widely known during this time as the godfather of concise German prose.
One of the first universal histories in German prose, it includes also a territorial history of Alsace and a local history of Strasbourg.
Wagner's German prose is entirely his own, and yet without any distinguishing quality.
Among the masters of German prose, too, Thibaut has a place.
Thus Dürer contributed to the expansion in German prose which Martin Luther had begun with his translation of the Bible.