Teewurst is another German example of this type of sausage and is usually sold in small packs.
France is also obsessed by the German economic example and has modelled its own planning on achieving parity.
The German example also suggests we would do well to beware of ideology in the garden masquerading as science.
In short: The German example is syntactically ambiguous because it can be the girl or the woman who does the kissing.
Still, if Moscow would like to swallow hard and follow the German example that made possible genuine reconciliation, little time remains.
To take just the most recent German example: - If some critique is voiced in public, the first response seems to be silence.
Many experts from other countries (Japan among the first) studied the German example and implemented similar solutions.
All of these except the 16th-century German example have chains long enough to require care not to allow the head to strike the user's hand.
Following the German example, all members of a noble family received equal noble status - not only the head of the house.
In the German example, they pay the German phone company half of $1.56, or 78 cents a minute.