The first series utilized German engines and batteries, while the second was produced with domestic machinery.
Instead of German engines, domestically produced 1D turbo-diesels were installed.
The East German engine was retired in 1967; those in the West between 1960 and 1968.
Early German engines had serious problems controlling the turbine inlet temperature.
She heard the roar of the German engine and felt the turbulence of his wash in her own wings.
II, which was the only readily available German rotary engine.
An American spark for a German engine is what is on offer.
The winning car, with a British chassis and a German engine, had led since the first hour and covered more than 2,991 miles.
Fafnir was a German engine and vehicle manufacturer based in Aachen.
It also has new suspension, a more powerful German engine and a combat weight of 43.3 tonnes.