Just tell her I said the obnoxious German customer would never bother her again.
But eastern German customers are forcing them to act otherwise.
We guarantee our eastern German customers they will be the only one to ever see their account statements.
(His crime had been discussions with a potential German customer in 1913, a year before the war).
Mr. Sälzer said his company was fortunate to be less dependent on German customers than most.
Half of Porsche's German customers pick up their cars at the factory.
German customers pay $1.10 to $2.90 an hour for local telephone service on top of Internet access fees that run about $2 an hour.
"Through that one show we opened 25 new accounts and we've gone on to develop more than 100 German retail customers."
This is important as a means of visiting German customers.
Mr. Sauer says he now gets just two or three German customers a month.