An old theater saw has it that "German comedy" is something of a joke in itself.
The German musical comedy The Woman of My Dreams has received mixed reviews according to this evidence.
It's a German comedy about a workaholic chef who has to force herself out of her fixation and get a life.
Rebecca's Daughters is a 1992 British and German comedy film, directed by Karl Francis.
The film is a remake of the 1997 German criminal comedy Knockin' on Heaven's Door.
'13 Semester' is a entertaining and loveable German students' comedy.
The film is a remake of the 1931 German romantic comedy Her Grace Commands.
Some critics considered Football is our life to be "one of the worst German comedies ever."
Rea Garvey sang it on the soundtrack to the German romantic comedy Barfuss.
But it is not just an epicurean extravaganza - nor is it a typical German comedy.